Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's almost the end of year 12

Tonight was the last super supper for Year 12s.. Everyone at school is saying farewell to us.. Is this the end of my high school life?? I think the answer is probably yes.. It's coming to the end..

Party night always includes songs composed or edited by year 10s.. and a short drama from year 11s.. which they could pay all the year 12s out.. it was so funny.. I was being paid out for being a lesbian when I turned up to a 10 year reunion of class 2008 with Liana, who is one of my besties here.. hahahaha.. that was funny.. thanks.. =)
*will post some photos up soon*

here are some photos we took at school.. and put them all into an album and gave it to our head of house.. thank god she wasn't angry when she looked at it..

I don't smoke..

guys toilet.. wuhoo..

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