Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Go away "Fly Away Peter"

finally.. i have done my draft essay for my SAC on thursday.. "a change in landscape can produce a corresponding change in a person".. approx 900 words.. and i am only allowed to bring my plan in.. damn.. i have to memorise the whole essay.. shitty.. >< "a life wasn't for anything. it simply was" sounds smart and meaningful to me..
i am kinda of sick of the book now.. and i still have to revise it before my end of year exam.. =( goodness me..

anyways.. it's quite late now.. and my desk is like a disaster.. sheets every where.. cbf to tidy them up now.. i will just leave it till tomorrow morning..

i think i am a bit weird nowadays.. why? don't ask me.. cuz i don't know..

-3 days till i can go to melbourne
-14 days till VCE accounting mid-year exam
-22 days till i can go home!!

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